Thank you for accepting my request. I have 2 direct family members that have experienced serious side effects. One from the P-jab and the other from the J-jab.

My cousin WAS a very healthy 56 yr old man, very active, no health issues, not on any med's. Well. back in early April he had a stroke. We were all shocked beyond belief. I reached out numerous time's to my cousin's wife asking if the Dr's were able to tie it to anything. She always just said 'No'. I decided to let her know if they needed anything, to reach out. 2 weeks ago she messaged me on FB. 

She said Brad had the  stroke.....1 1/2hr AFTER the P-jab.  He's finally out of the hospital, but he is permanently disabled. His right side has not healed and probably won't. 

I told her to report it to VAERS right away. 

Now moving on to my 25 year old Nephew. He got the J-jab 5-6 weeks ago. He's healthy and very active.  No health issues. The other day my sister messaged me saying she was rushing him to the ER. He couldn't breath, had severe migraine, sky high BP, had brain fog and extreme anxiety. The did extensive blood work, an EKG and x-ray on him. Found nothing to explain what was happening with him. 

Long story short they stabilized his BP, gave him some pills for anxiety and discharged him. My sister said right after they told her the Blood work, EKG & X ray came back showing nothing, my sister asked IF what was happening to her son could be related to the J-jab. She said the whole atmosphere in the room changed and they shut that suggestion down immediately. Next thing she knows, her son is being discharged with a few pills and the only symptom stabilized was his B/P. She was told to follow up with his GP.

Who knows what else is coming down the pipeline for my Nephew. 

I don't believe for 1 second these weren't caused from those jabs. 

Thank you for allowing me to share their stories. 🙏🙏🙏