Audra Watson

Me too exactly 6 days after 1st dose of Moderna . I went to the ER and they gave some prescriptions for inflammation . It went down for a couple days than flared up again and this second flare up has my left temple throbbing for 5 days solid . IB profin works for about an hour . 

Update: went back to the ER in the early morning hours today because my head, left side of face and neck ere throbbing so bad. I was afraid I could have some blood clotting due to the discolor around the inflamed lymph . 

They did an MRI confirmed it was the lymph. The doctor said bodies reaction to vaccine to build antibodies but of course they don’t document vaccine related. They prescribed another high strength aspirin for pain relief that’s loaded with caffeine (no thanks) and to follow up with them if it persists . 

I get it for those who will say its my own fault . If I could go back 3 weeks ago and not have gotten the vaccine; I would. To date I’ve experienced swelling of lymph nodes on the side of injection, throbbing pain around my are, heart, chest and upper back, racing heart, anxiety, nauseousness, severe headaches that last days, upper stomach burning, brain fog and fever like chills that are cold and hot. Truthfully, I don’t think many doctors know what to do with these cases .