Susan-Marie Smith

I'm speaking out about the AZ vaccine. I didn't want to do this, but I'm struggling to get sufficient medical help or answers. 

On 27 April I had my 1st dose given at the allergy clinic and I've been ill ever since. Currently long-term sick.

My story is below and I'm wondering if there are any similar experiences:

10 mins post vaccine:

Allergic reaction: itchy tongue & mouth, dry throat and hives.

24 hours post vaccine:

Excruciating headache 

Flu like symptoms 

(These lasted almost 4 weeks)

48 hours post vaccine:

Swollen abdomen (still swollen now)

Nausea (still have this)

Vomiting (1 week)

Diarrhoea (5 weeks)

7 days post vaccine:

Pain in abdomen (still have this)

Lower back pain (still have this)

Pelvic & groin pain (still have this) 

Leg pain (intermittent now)

(Ended up at Urgent Care)

6 weeks post vaccine:

(As well as the above continuous symptoms)

Debilitating back pain (now ongoing)

Bladder pain (now ongoing)

Delayed menstruation 

Exceptionally heavy period


8 weeks post vaccine:

Admitted to A&E for emergency pain relief and referred for emergency pelvic scan, urology referral and gynaecology referral.

9 weeks post vaccine:

Blot clots in urine. 

Unexplained bruising on legs (look hideous but not even sore to touch).

10 weeks post vaccine

All of the above and a dull throb in my calves. Mottled skin and bruising. 

I'm still waiting for tests and to see specialists and I'm barely functioning right now 😢 I've had all the regular bloods, urine and stool samples done 3 times and they show nothing.

Has anyone or is anyone going through anything similar? I'm suffering chronic fatigue. I've been sleeping between 9-14 hours per day ever since I had the first dose! 

It could be total coincidence but I'm really concerned about having the 2nd dose. Nobody will give me an answer as to whether or not I should have it. My appointment is booked at the hospital for next week. I'm genuinely concerned.

Picture below of my leg today, mottled skin with a week old bruise. Picture of same leg 3 days ago. Wish I'd taken pics of my bruises as they appeared. They appear overnight, brutal purple but don't hurt at all