I’m having ongoing problems since I had my AstraZeneca shot at the end of March, it accumulated in my going into hospital with a suspected stroke. After further tests it seems a small clot close to my heart according to the heart trace. Dispersed quickly with aspirin which I was told to take. 

I’d refused a Covid test in the hospital that day because I was convinced that I was gonna die and I didn’t want to be counted as a Covid death ( may sound dramatic) but that was the state of my thinking at the time. 

A follow up with my GP said I had an infection in my blood, but after a course of antibiotics my bloods still show a problem. Now awaiting a referral to Neurologist. Don’t know how long that could be given the state of our NHS waiting times, I know I won’t be a priority

My symptoms started slowly, pins and needles and muzzy feeling in my head and arms, followed by a hungover feeling, dribbling

from mouth and then the episode that scared me into calling 111 and spending a night in EMU 

The consultant dealing with me was rude, patronising and dismissive. He’s was cross because I’d refused to have a Covid test. He put my problem down to being a migraine or a neurological virus and assured me I hadn’t had a stroke. 

Getting home I realised I’d had an abnormal heart reading which is why I followed this up with my GP who was cross that the heart problem hadn’t been followed up and equally perplexed that no blood results had been forwarded to them. She on reflection thinks I was closer to having a heart attack than a stroke To be fair from then on my Dr has been pretty good, although slow ( regarding Covid restrictions🤦‍♀️) she is at least trying to find an answer. 

The brain fog continues as does the numbness and constant ache in the injection sight. My husband had first jab with no problems and his second and still no problems so he’s convinced I’m losing my marbles. He hasn’t done the research I have, and doesn’t understand my fears ect. 

We are all part of an ongoing experiment and it’s really hard to comprehend. 

That’s my story so far