The Delta Covid-19 variant is currently rampant in the United Kingdom according to official data which has been released by Public Health England (PHE) in an attempt to justify the continuation of draconian restrictions on the lives of the British people.

However, we wonder if they realise that the very same data PHE released shows us that people who have received two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have an 885% higher chance of dying of Covid-19 than of those who are unvaccinated?

The PHE report which can be viewed here shows that between the 1st February 2021 and the 21st June 2021 a total of 92,029 confirmed cases of the Delta variant had been confirmed.

Of these 58.4% were people who had not been vaccinated, totalling 53,822.

A further 7.8% were people who had received both doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, totalling 7,235.

A further 14.9% were people who had received one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine at least three weeks prior to testing positive for the Delta Covid variant, totalling 13,715.

And a further 6.78% were people who had received one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine less than three weeks prior to testing positive for the Delta Covid variant, totalling 6,242.

As per the above table taken from the Public Health England report we can see that the number of positive cases of the Delta variant in people who are unvaccinated outnumber the number of positive cases of the Delta variant in people who are fully vaccinated by around 7.4 to 1.

This distinction presumably gives you the feeling that the Covid-19 punches are working phenomenally? Well don't get excessively invigorated. 

Since, in such a case that we take the quantity of individuals who have had something like one portion of a Covid-19 immunization – 27,192, we can see that the quantity of individuals who are unvaccinated, who have tried positive for the Delta variation just dwarf individuals who have gotten no less than one portion of a Covid-19 antibody by around 1.97 to 1. 

They don't appear to be so fabulous now isn't that right? 

Yet, how have these supposed affirmed instances of the supposed Delta Covid-19 variation converted into hospitalisations? Well fortunately Public Health England advise us inside their report.

As per the above table we can see that of the 53,822 confirmed cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who were unvaccinated, 831 presented to emergency care which resulted in overnight inpatient admission. This accounts for 1.54% of the confirmed cases in people who are unvaccinated.

However, of the 7,235 confirmed cases of the Delta variant in people who are fully vaccinated people, 190 presented to emergency care which resulted in overnight inpatient admission. This accounts for 2.6% of the confirmed cases in people who are fully vaccinated.

This data, which has been published by Public Health England, shows us that people who have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have a 70.1% higher chance of being hospitalised with the alleged Delta Covid variant than people who are unvaccinated.

None of the Covid-19 vaccines have been proven to prevent infection or prevent the spread of the alleged Covid-19 virus. Instead they have allegedly been proven to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death, but even then the study carried out is highly questionable.

It doesn’t look like the Covid-19 vaccines are doing what they say on the tin, does it? Perhaps they’re doing their job at reducing the risk of death, thankfully Public Health England have provided the data for us to find out.

As per the above table we can see that of the 53,822 confirmed cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who are unvaccinated, 44 have sadly died. This accounts to 0.07% of confirmed cases in the people who are unvaccinated.

However, of the 7,235 confirmed cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who had received both doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and were therefore fully vaccinated, 50 have sadly died. This accounts to 0.69% of confirmed cases in people who are fully vaccinated.

This data, which again has been published by Public Health England, shows us that people who have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have a 885.7% higher chance of dying due to the Delta Covid variant than people who are unvaccinated.

Presently that unquestionably isn't what the Covid-19 immunizations said they would do on the tin. 

Is this proof of immune response subordinate improvement? One senior specialist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory – Stephanie Seneff, assumes so. 

ADE scourged past endeavors at Covid immunizations and as often as possible brought about upgraded lung infection among inoculated lab creatures. It drove analysts in 2012 to encourage researchers to continue with "alert" for any human Covid antibodies which could prompt upgraded lung infection. 

Seneff said research has shown that Covid antibodies change the manners in which resistant frameworks react to contamination and can actuate other dozing diseases in the inoculated individual.

“It is conceivable to me that the laser-beam specificity of the induced antibodies is offset by a general weakening of innate immunity,” Seneff said.  

“I also suspect that massive vaccination campaigns may accelerate the rate at which the vaccine-resistant mutant strains become dominant among all the SARS-CoV-2 strains.” 

Considering the fact 45 million people have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine in the United Kingdom at the time of writing, it looks like we’re in for one hell of a winter crisis.